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Geometria e inglês


Informações para um site e um grupo que discute geometria pesada
e para aqueles que acham que escrever "proven" está correto.

[ ]'s

>From: Paul Yiu <yiu@fau.edu>
>Reply-To: Hyacinthos@yahoogroups.com
>To: (Recipient list suppressed)
>Subject: [EMHL] Forum Geometricorum
>Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 13:57:50 -0400
>The following paper has been published in Forum Geometricorum. It can be
>viewed at
>The Editors
>Forum Geometricorum
>Nikolaos Dergiades, The Gergonne Problem,
>Forum Geometricorum, 1 (2001) 75--79.
>Abstract: An effective method for the proof of geometric inequalities is
>the use of the dot product of vectors. In this paper we use this method to
>solve some famous problems, namely Heron's problem, Fermat's problem and
>the extension of the previous problem in space, the so called Gergonne's
>problem. The solution of this last is erroneously stated, but not proven,
>in F.G.-M.

>From: Richard Guy <rkg@cpsc.ucalgary.ca>
>Reply-To: Hyacinthos@yahoogroups.com
>To: Hyacinthos@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: Re: [EMHL] Forum Geometricorum
>Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 12:46:05 -0600 (MDT)
>May I air one of my bêtes noires ?
>`proven' is the past participle of an archaic
>verb `preve', meaning `to test', certainly not
>`to prove' in the modern mathematical sense.
>Its etymology (and pronunciation) are clear
>when you compare `woven' and `cloven'.
>It survives in Scottish law as a third possible
>verdict, `Not Proven' and in a few phrases, e.g.
>`a proven remedy' and is connected with the
>`proof' (number of 200ths) of spiritous liquors.
>The p.p. of `to prove' is `proved'.  You might
>think that this is just another of my pieces
>of windmill-tilting, but this morning I refereed
>a paper (three, actually) and suggested, amongst
>other things, that `unproven' be changed to
>`unproved'.  I'm delighted to say that the
>editor has already emailed me to say that that
>is an editorial change that he/she routinely
>makes.                  R.