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primo grande

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>                       THE WORLD'S LARGEST PRIME NUMBER
>    13,466,917
>2                         -  1
>The largest prime number yet discovered has just been revealed to the
>George Woltman, Gimps founder The new number, expressed as
>2^13,466,917-1,  contains 4,053,946 digits and would take the best part
>of three weeks to write out longhand.
>The prime number - a number that can only be divided by one and itself -
>discovered by Michael Cameron, a 20-year-old Canadian participant in a
>computer project known as the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search
>Mersenne primes are important for the theory of numbers and they may help
>in developing unbreakable codes and message encryptions.
>The Gimps project spent 13,000 years of computer time to find the new
>prime number.