The Mathematics Department was created in 1966. Its undergraduate program began in 1968, the M.Sc program started in 1969 and the Ph.D. program in 1973. The graduate programs specialize both on Pure and Applied Mathematics. So far, more than 328 Master of Science degrees and 132 Doctor of Philosophy degrees have been awarded by the Department. The department is a structural unit of PUC-Rio which concentrates all the academic, scientific and administrative activities related to the teaching, study and research of Mathematics. The department is responsible for all of the Math-related disciplines that are offered in the varied university curricula, both at the undergraduate and graduate level. By integrating the different fields of study, the department’s course offerings is constituted of different disciplines in Mathematics which make up not only the Basic Core courses for students in the Science and Technology Center (Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Materials and Metallurgy Sciences, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Informatics) but also those for students in the Center of Social Sciences majoring in Business Administration, Economics and Actuary.

An interesting aspect of the graduate program in Mathematics is the close contact established between pure and applied mathematicians with researchers of other fields – an integration that is encouraged by the University, especially due to the fact that PUC-Rio is strong in technological and economic research and in the interaction with the private sector. The Mathematics program is also directly involved with the business world, mainly with companies in the petroleum, insurance and healthcare industries.
The academic staff of the program is made up of nationally and internationally renowned researchers whose scientific publications appear in journals published worldwide. Of its 12 faculty members, 10 professors have been awarded important research grants and two of them are members of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. The Department’s involvement in exchange programs with other universities in Brazil and abroad is intense and the quality of its graduate program in Mathematics is recognized by the scientific community.
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