Former Students

Ph.D Students

Samuel Pacitti Gentil

Thesis Title: Discretization of "four-vertex type" theorems for spatial and spherical polygons
Advisor: Marcos Craizer
Defense: 22/02/2024
Current Situation: Doutorando do DMAT PUC-Rio
Departamento de Matemática PUC-Rio Sala L856

Master’s Students

Anselmo de Souza Pontes Junior

Thesis Title: Limit Laws for Dynamical Systems with Some Hyperbolicity
Advisor: Silvius Klein
Defense: 17/04/2024
Current Situation: Aluno de Doutorado - Departamento de Matemática PUC-Rio
Departamento de Matemática PUC Rio - Sala L856

Raul Steven Rodriguez Chavez

Thesis Title: Statistical behavior of skew products: Schwarzian derivative and arc-sinelaws
Advisor: Lorenzo Justiniano Díaz Casado
Defense: 05/04/2024
Current Situation: Aluno de Doutorado - Departamento de Matemática PUC-Rio
Departamento de Matemática PUC-Rio - Sala L856

Antônio Maria Vasconcellos M. D. da Costa

Thesis Title: Recovery of tridiagonal matrices from spectral data
Advisor: Carlos Tomei
Defense: 29/02/2024
Current Situation: Aluno de Mestrado no Departamento de Matemática da PUC-Rio
Departamento de Matemática PUC Rio - Sala L856
