Colóquio do Departamento de Matemática - Solutions to the KdV and Related Equations With Almost Periodic Initial Data

Palestrante: David Damanik, Rice University, EUA
Data:   14 de dezembro de 2021 
Horário: 17h

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Solutions to the KdV and Related Equations With Almost Periodic Initial Data


 We discuss recent work concerning the existence, uniqueness, and structure of solutions to the KdV equation, as well as related ones, with almost periodic initial data. The talk is based on several joint works with a variety of co-authors, including Ilia Binder, Michael Goldstein, Yong Li, Milivoje Lukic, Alexander Volberg, Fei Xu, and Peter Yuditskii.


David Damanik is a professor of mathematics at Rice University in the US. He has received his PhD in Mathematics from Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Germany and has held postdoctoral positions at California Institute of Technology and at University of California Irvine.

An expert in analysis, mathematical physics and dynamical systems, David was an invited speaker at the 2006 International Congress on Mathematical Physics held in Rio de Janeiro. 

Besides his very extensive and varied scientific production and network of collaborators, David has been supporting and promoting young mathematicians worldwide as a doctoral or postdoctoral advisor, department chair and organizer of various workshops and conferences.
