Defesa de Tese - Luis Antonio Gómez Ardila

Deep Morin Singularities of the McKean-Scovel Operator
Luis Antonio Gómez Ardila | PUC-Rio
Local: Defesa realizada por meio remoto | 29/09/2021 - 14:00h

Resumo:Deep Morin Singularities of the McKean-Scovel Operator

The McKean-Scovel operator is the simplest nonlinear Sturm-Liouville operator acting on functions satisfying Dirichlet boundary conditions: its nonlinearity is just taking the square of the incoming function. This text contains a proof of a conjecture from the late ´80: its critical set consists only of Morin singularities, which attain arbitrary depth.

Thursday, September 2, 2021