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Data: 26/04/2022 - 17hGostaria de convidá-los ao mini curso que fará Sergi Burniol Clotet, estudante de doutorado de Yves Coudène da Universidade de Paris 6 e visitante do nosso departamento por 3 meses. O minicurso terá lugar na sala 856L das 17h às 18h e terá 4 sessões.
As primeiras duas sessões são introdutórias, recomendo fortemente aos alunos da pós. A terceira e a quarta serão sobre os trabalhos do Sergi e colaborações recentes no grupo de pesquisa sobre fluxos geodésicos coordenado por Yves Coudène e integrado por Katrin Gelfert, Barbara Shapira, Sergi Burniol, Edhin Mamani e Rafael Ruggiero.
We will introduce geodesic flows on the unit tangent bundle of a Riemannian manifold M. For a finite volume hyperbolic surface M, we'll see that it's possible to define two horocyclic flows, whose action is closely related to the geodesic flow. We will then deduce the mixing property of the geodesic flow and the ergodicity of the horocyclic flow using the classical Hopf argument.
Palestrante: Sergi Burniol Clotet
Basic structure of manifolds of non positive curvature, Kleinian groups, limit set, critical exponent, Patterson Sullivan measure, aplications.
Equidistribution of horospheres and unique ergodicity of horocyclic flows
Recent developments for manifolds without conjugate points.
Uniqueness of measure of maximal entropy for compact surfaces and visibility manifolds without conjugate points.
Palestrante: Edhin Mamani
Regularity and uniqueness of horospherical foliations in vibislity manifolds without conjugate points.