RESISTÊNCIA DINÂMICA - Abelian Livshits Theorem

Dynamical Resistance Day

Abelian Livshits Theorem
30 de Outubro | 11h00min | Andrey Gogolev (The Ohio State University, USA)


Title: Abelian Livshits Theorem

\The classical Livshits theorem characterizes coboundaries over a transitive Anosov flow as precisely those functions which integrate to zero over all periodic orbits of the flow. I will present a variant of this theorem which uses a weaker assumption and gives a weaker conclusion that the function is an abelian coboundary. Such weaker version corresponds to studying the cohomological equation on infinite abelian covers e.g., for geodesic flows on abelian covers of hyperbolic surfaces. I will also discuss a connection to the marked length spectrum rigidity of Riemannian metrics. Joint work with Federico Rodriguez Hertz.

