RESISTÊNCIA DINÂMICA - Diversity of statistical behavior in dynamical systems

Dynamical Resistance Day

Diversity of statistical behavior in dynamical systems
18 de Dezembro | 14:00 | Jairo Bochi (PUC-Santiago, Chile)


Title: Diversity of statistical behavior in dynamical systems (video)

 For chaotic dynamical systems, it is unfeasible to compute long-term orbits precisely. Nevertheless, we may be able to describe the statistics of orbits, that is, to compute how often an orbit will visit a prescribed region of the phase space. Different orbits may or may not follow different statistics. I will explain how to measure the statistical diversity of a dynamical system. This diversity is called emergence, is independent of the traditional notions of chaos.
I will begin by discussing classic problems of discretization of metric spaces and measures. Then I will apply these ideas to dynamics and define two forms of emergence. I will present several examples, culminating with new dynamical systems for which emergence is as large as we could possibly hope for.
