RESISTÊNCIA DINÂMICA - Tiling billiards in periodic tilings by equal triangles (and quadrilaterals)

Dynamical Resistance Day

Tiling billiards in periodic tilings by equal triangles (and quadrilaterals)
11 de Setembro | 11h00min | Olga Paris-Romaskevich (Aix-Marseille University, France)

Title: Tiling billiards in periodic tilings by equal triangles (and quadrilaterals) (video)

I will make an elementary introduction to tiling billiards. This class of dynamical systems is new to mathematicians, simple to define as well as connected to already existing areas of research such as ergodic theory of interval exchange transformations and Novikov’s problem on plane sections of 3-periodic surfaces. I hope you will love it as much as I love it !

(Not a very hard) Homework before the talk: Watch a following 5-MIN movie (here is a link to Youtube) by a wonderful mathematical animator and Ofir David.
