SEMINÁRIO DE ANÁLISE E EDP - Half-harmonic maps, minimal surfaces with free boundary and Ginzburg-Landau approximation

Half-harmonic maps, minimal surfaces with free boundary and Ginzburg-Landau approximation
Expositor: Yannick Sire
Instituição: PUC-Rio
Data e Horário: 22/08/19 | 17:00h

RESUMO: I will report on results related to a new program giving a new viewpoint on an old topic, minimal surfaces with free boundary. I will describe first the standard theory of harmonic maps before moving to the case of half-harmonic maps (into spheres) introduced by Da Lio and Riviere. The main part of the talk will be to describe the Ginzburg-Landau approximation of those latter maps. I will describe several open problems and possible new directions of research.
