SEMINÁRIO DE ANÁLISE E EDP - On existence and concentration of solutions to a class of quasilinear problems involving the 1−Laplace operator

On existence and concentration of solutions to a class of quasilinear problems involving the 1−Laplace operator .
Expositor: Marcos T. O. Pimenta
Instituição: UNESP
Data e Horário: 22/11/2017 | 17:00hs

RESUMO: In this work we use variational methods to prove results on existence and concentration of solutions to a problem in R^N involving the 1−Laplacian operator. A thorough analysis on the energy functional defined in the space of functions of bounded variation $BV(\mathbb{R}^N)$ is necessary, where the lack of compactness is overcome by using the Concentration of Compactness Principle due to Lions. .
