SEMINÁRIO DE GEOMETRIA E TOPOLOGIA - On singular Finsler foliation

On singular Finsler foliation
Expositor: Marcos M. Alexandrino
Instituição: IME USP
Data e Horário: 06/09/18 | 16:00min

RESUMO: In this talk we introduce the concept of singular Finsler foliation , which generalizes the concepts of Finsler actions , Finsler submersions and (regular) Finsler foliations . We show that if $F$ is a singular Finsler foliation with closed leaves on a Randers manifold $(M,Z)$ with Zermelo data $( h,W ),$ then $F$ is a singular Riemannian foliation on the Riemannian manifold $( M,h )$. We also present a slice theorem that locally relates singular Finsler foliations on Finsler manifolds with singular Finsler foliations on Minkowski spaces . This talk is based on a joint work with Prof. Miguel Angel Javaloyes (Murcia - Spain) and Dr. Benigno O. Alves (UFMA - Brasil)
