SEMINÁRIO DE GEOMETRIA - Hodge-Deligne polynomial of moduli spaces of flat connections

Hodge-Deligne polynomial of moduli spaces of flat connections
Expositor: Pedram Hekmat
Instituição: IMPA & Univ. of Auckland
Data e Horário: 23/5/2017 | 17:30hs

RESUMO: An important consequence of the Weil conjectures is that the Betti numbers of smooth complex projective varieties can be obtained by counting points over a finite field. For singular or non-compact varieties this motivates the notion "virtual Hodge numbers" encoded by the Hodge-Deligne polynomial, a refinement of the topological Euler characteristic.  In this talk I will review the construction of Hodge-Deligne polynomials and then explain how to compute it for singular moduli spaces of flat connections.
