Geometric quantisation of semitoric integrable systems and almost toric manifolds.
Expositor: Romero Solha
Instituição: UFSC
Data e Horário: 25/4/2017 | 15:30hs
RESUMO: Joint work with Eva Miranda (UPC) and Francisco Presas (ICMAT). This talk addresses the focus-focus contribution to real geometric quantisation (with real polarisations given by integrable systems), with the quantisation of K3 surfaces serving as model examples and motivation. Near a singular Bohr-Sommerfeld focus-focus fibre of an integrable system in dimension four, the zeroth and first cohomology groups computing geometric quantisation are trivial, but the second cohomology group is not; the latter is actually infinite dimensional. As a consequence, the real geometric quantisation of semitoric integrable systems and almost toric manifolds are computed.