Positions at the Mathematics Department, PUC-Rio

In the spirit of peace we invite mathematicians affected by war to join the Department of Mathematics of PUC-Rio (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), to take up special chairs as professors or researchers. Currently we consider mathematicians affected by the war citizens of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and those who recently worked in these countries. The positions are intended for academic researchers in mathematics. They are full time and fully paid, with an initial contract of three years.

Job description

We require and expect active research in mathematics, leading to publication and dissemination in leading journals and conferences, as well as teaching/supervision of graduate students. After some time, teaching responsibilities may include undergraduate courses.

The University connects with high school education through the Olympiad movement and supervision of mathematical circles. Researchers with expertise one the matter should be explicit about it.

Leaders of research groups are welcome to indicate the interest of their group's relocation.

Additional positions

Post-doctoral positions and grants are also available.

Graduate students are welcome to apply for a grant to join our PhD and MSc programmes (http://www.mat.puc-rio.br/en/rdmission-and-regulation)

How to apply

Send a curriculum vitae, and list at least two researchers who will be sending recommendation letters, to <candidato-paz@mat.puc-rio.br> Candidates should also include information on their current situation and motivation in a cover letter.

Students may apply online (http://www.mat.puc-rio.br/en/rdmission-and-regulation), or write to <secpos-int@mat.puc-rio.br> and Prof. Sergey Galkin<sergey@puc-rio.br> for further enquiries.

We expect to start evaluating proposals by July 15.


Salaries are determined by analog positions at PUC-Rio: the monthly salary for a starting level Assistant Professor, as of 2021, is R$13157 (Brazilian Real), with 13 salaries per year. Salaries increase according to experience and performance.

PUC-Rio provides excellent working conditions: a well located and pleasant campus, good students, research grants, health insurance, and a solid retirement plan.

Facilitated migration

We are willing to maximally facilitate migration of selected candidates.

We will also try to cover family travel to Brazil and associated costs, legal expenses, Portuguese classes, etc.

Professors and their family can be granted permanent residency in Brazil. A family includes a partner, direct descendants and ascendants, some siblings and dependents, according to Brazilian law.

About us

PUC-Rio https://www.puc-rio.br/english/#aboutpuc is a self-organized private non-profit philanthropic university focused on research, education and extension. The Mathematics Department http://www.mat.puc-rio.br has a Ph.D. program since 1973, and older M.Sc and undergraduate programs, with graduate programs in Pure and Applied Mathematics. Small classes make possible direct interaction among professors and students. The academic staff of the Program http://www.mat.puc-rio.br/en/professors is made up of nationally and internationally renowned researchers whose scientific publications appear in journals published worldwide. Of its 13 faculty members, 12 have been awarded important research grants and three of them are members of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.

For additional information, please contact Sergey Galkin <sergey@puc-rio.br> (Russian spoken) or our Department’s head Nicolau Saldanha <saldanha@puc-rio.br>

Friday, June 24, 2022